Module 1: Welcome and Introduction (00:03:11 - 00:13:43)
Ms. Kanika Bhandari from Ethicon welcomed everyone to the live surgical workshop and introduced the trainer, panelists, and the participants. Dr. Mahendra Narwaria, the trainer for the day then welcomed Dr. G Moinoddin to the stage to start the first session for the day.
Module 2: MGB - Pre, Intra and Post-Operative Procedure technique (00:13:43 - 00:32:45)
Dr. G Moinoddin thanked Dr. Narwariya for the opportunity. During his session he explained the indications and how they select which procedure to perform - sleeve gastrectomy or MGB. The benefits of MGB were shared. The techniques used were explained. All techniques - Pre, Intra, and Post-Operative were explained in detail.
Module 3: Sleeve Gastrectomy (00:32:45 - 01:22:45)
Dr. Mahendra Narwaria started the first surgery of the workshop. He explained why he prefers performing MGB as compared to Sleeve Gastrectomy. Dr. Sudhir and Dr. Moinoddin moderated the session. How to prevent malabsorption was shared.
The port position was explained. The importance of having a straight stapler line rather than a zig-zag stapler line. When does the doctor give advice for liquid diet to the patient before surgery was also shared? How to avoid the staples misfire was also explained.
Module 4: MGB (01:22:45 - 02:21:43)
Dr. Mahendra Narwaria performed the second surgery for the day. The dissection was shown and the technique was explained in detail. The brief history of the patient was shared. The advantage of MGB and how it is flexible as per the various situations and conditions were shared by Dr. Narwaria. The limb length to be maintained to prevent malabsorption was shared.
Module 5: Single Anastomosis Duodenoileal Bypass with Sleeve (02:21:43 - 03:02:18)
Dr. Amar then took over the stage and shared his insights on the topic of Single Anastomosis Duodenoileal Bypass with Sleeve. Loop modifications of the surgery in discussion was shared.
The technique was explained in detail with diagrams and with video presentations. Indications for the surgery were shared.
The port positions were also shared by Dr. Amar.
The pre and post-operative courses were discussed.
In all, it was a well explained detailed presentation.
Module 6: Live surgery demonstration: MGB/ Diverted MGB (03:02:18 - 03:46:36)
Dr. Mahendra Narwaria performed the third surgery for the day.
The surgery was performed smoothly. There were a few questions asked during the live surgical workshop which were answered by Dr. Narwaria after the surgery.
Lunch break - (03:46:36 - 04:42:17)
Module 7: Live surgery demonstration: MGB/ Diverted MGB - Liver Cirrhosis (04:42:17 - 05:24:01)
Dr. Mahendra Narwaria performed the fourth surgery for the day. A brief history of the patient was given. The dissection was shown in detail. How to select reloads on the tissue one is firing was explained by Dr. Narwaria.
Various questions were asked during the session which was moderated by the moderator and answered by Dr. Mahendra Narwaria.
Module 8: RYGB - Pre, Intra and Post-Operative Procedure technique (05:24:01 - 05:44:07)
Dr. Deep Goel shared his insights on the topic: RYGB - Pre, Intra, and Post-Operative Procedure technique. He explained the technique with video and diagrammatic representations. All the steps were explained in detail. The pre and post-operative courses were discussed.
Module 9: Live surgery demonstration: MGB/ Diverted MGB (05:44:07 - 06:36:01)
The brief history of the patient was shared. The procedure which will be done was explained before starting the surgery. The dissection was shown step-by-step. The port's positions were shown. Where should the first stapler be fired was explained and shown.
Module 10: Vote of Thanks ( 06:36:01 - 06:47:59)
Dr. Mahendra Narwaria and Dr. Sameeksha Saxena Lamba (PT) from MLH thanked all the panelists and participants for being a part of this workshop. The poll was raised.
We thank Ethicon for making this event possible and we wish you all a great learning experience.
Dr Mahendra Narwaria
Welcome and Introduction about Surgical Sessions
9.30 am to 10.00 am
Dr Mahendra Narwaria
Live surgery demonstration: MGB/ Diverted MGB
10.00 am to 11.10 am
Dr G. Moinoddin
MGB - Pre, Intra and Post-Operative Procedure technique
11.10 am to 11.30 am
Dr Mahendra Narwaria
Live surgery demonstration: MGB/ Diverted MGB
11.30 am to 12.40 pm
Dr V.Amar
SADI- Pre, Intra and Post-Operative Procedure technique
12.40 pm to 1.00 pm
Lunch Break
1.00 pm to 2.00 pm
Dr Mahendra Narwaria
Live surgery demonstration: MGB/ Diverted MGB
2.00 pm to 4.10 pm
Dr Deep Goyal
RYGB - Pre, Intra and Post-Operative Procedure technique
4.10 pm to 4.30 pm
Dr Mahendra Narwaria
Live surgery demonstration: MGB/ Diverted MGB
4.30 pm to 5.30 pm
Moderators: Dr. Sumeet Shah
Dr. Sudhir Kalhan