Comprehensive GI surgical workshop 2021 (SIDS Hospital)
SIDS hospital welcomes you to a Comprehensive GI Surgical workshop 2021. During the session a total of 5 surgeries were performed which almost covered the entire spectrum of GI tract. All the 5 surgeries were done with utmost precision. All the steps were explained in detail and the important points to keep in mind in the respective surgeries were shared during the session. There was smooth transition from one surgery to another. All the cases on hand during this session were complicated yet, the surgeries were performed with ease. Dr. Keyur Bhatt and Dr. Dhawal Mangukiya performed surgeries simultaneously through out the day.
Module 1: (00:04:30 - 00:16:50) Introduction and Welcome
Dr. Vineet Agarwal from Ethicon welcomed the panelists and introduced Dr. Keyur Bhatt,
Director GI, GI HPB & GI Cancer Surgery SIDS Hospital & Research Centre, Surat India and Dr. Dhawal Mangukiya, Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist Dept. of GI-HPB & Cancer Surgery SIDS Hospital & Research Centre Surat. He also introduced Dr. Nilesh Doctor, Dr. Pankaj Modi, Dr. Chirag Desai, Dr. Asit Arora, and Dr. Rajesh Kumar Shrivastava. Mr. Vineet gave a brief about the surgeries that will be performed during the session, he also shared the structure of the webinar and the general instructions. The poll was raised.
Module 2: (00:16:50 - 01:14:34) - Sleeve Gastrectomy
Moderator introduced Dr. Dhawal Mangukiya and the surgery was started. Dr. Dhawal Mangukiya gave a brief history of the patient. The doctor explained the dissection in detail. The importance of traction before using the energy source was mentioned. The firing of the stapler was shown and explained in detail. The shape of the sleeve which is preferred was shared with the reason. Power gun for stapler was focused on and the process was explained in depth.
Module 3: (01:14:34 - 02:43:00) - ILEAL Pouch
Dr. Keyur Bhatt took the second surgery for the day. The team was introduced. He started by giving the brief history of the patient on the table. Previous surgeries done on the patient were explained and the images of the same were shared. Considering how complicated the case is, Dr. Keyur Bhatt performed an open surgery. The entire surgery was beautifully explained and demonstrated in detail. Harmonic from Ethicon was used for the surgery. He also explained why it is very important to stay away from the mesenteric border before the creation of the pouch. The surgery was conducted beautifully and with precision.
Module 4: (02:43:00- 07:16:36) Whipple’s Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Dr. Dhawal Mangukiya started his 2nd and the session’s 3rd surgery for the day. Dr. Dhawal introduced his team. The dissection was performed and explained in detail. Adhesiolysis was done. Related questions were answered during the surgery. The doctor explained who measures to take in case of a bleed. Dr. Dhawal Mangukiya transected the mesentery and the pancreas in detail. The arch vessel was taken for anastomosis. Transection of the pancreas was shown. The division of the CBD was also shown. The setting of the energy sources was all shared while using them.
Module 5: (04:47:00 - 08:57:36) Lap lt. Hemicolectomy and lt. Hepatectomy
Dr. Keyur Bhatt started his 2nd surgery for the day. He gave the brief history of the patient and also showed the CT scan of the patient to explain the case and show the tumor. Why the surgeon prefers being in control of all the pedicles was shared. The setting for harmonic was also shared by Dr. Keyur Bhatt. The parenchyma dissection was shown. The principal for liver resection was shared along with the reason for it.
Module 6: (08:57:36 - 11:59:57) LAP Incisional Hernia
The last surgery for the day was done by Dr. Dhawal Mangukiya. He gave the patient history and showed the CT scans of the patient. How to plan the ports in case of incisional hernia was mentioned by the doctor. The case was very complicated and challenging still the entire surgery was performed with the utmost ease. There was a discussion over the type of mesh to be used. The mesh was measured and introduced. The surgery was conducted beautifully and with precision.
Module 7: (11:51:31 - 11:59:57) Thank you note
Dr. Vineet Agarwal and Dr. Mayuri Keskar gave a vote of thanks on behalf of the Ethicon and MLH team. The second poll was raised.
Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Sleeve Gastrectomy
Module 3: Ileal Pouch
Module 4: Whipple’s Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Module 5: Lap lt. Hemicolectomy and lt. Hepatectomy
Module 6: LAP Incisional Hernia