Module 1: Introduction: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub (MLH) welcomed all the participants, speakers and panelists explaining the flow of event. Also, she presented a brief bio of all speakers. First poll was raised for the online participants.
Module 2: Message from Dr. Sachin Malhotra CEO, India, MLH: He explained the objective of the series and upcoming events organized by MLH. He also shown his gratitude towards all participants, panelists, MLH team.
Module 3: Message from Dr. Benson Chuma, Managing Director, Africa : He explained the prevalence of Hematological diseases in Africa context and compared with India context. He explained about the upcoming series happening in Africa on hematological diseases.
Module 4: Clinical overview of hematological diseases: Dr Neema Bhat; Hemato-oncology & BMT physician discussed about the clinical presentation of hematological diseases. The key points are as below:
- Hematological disorders for doctors: an introduction along with 6 different case presentation. In this session, she presented different clinical cases and how it was diagnosed, treated and managed.
Module 5: Clinical overview of blood cancers: Dr Aditya Murali, Senior Consultant, Medical and Hemato Oncology, Apollo Hospitals discussed about the clinical overview of blood cancers. The key points are as below:
- Blood cancer is a global issue
- Definition of blood cancer
- Blood cancer: its kinds and its types along with the treatment protocols and investigations
In this session, Dr. Aditya explained the prevalence of blood cancer globally. He also explained the investigation required for blood cancer and its treatment protocol.
Module 6: Q&A: Questions that were asked by participants during the webinar answered by Dr. Neema and Dr. Aditya are as below:
- Acute lower back and its association with blood caner
- Tumor Lysis syndrome diagnosis, investigations and treatment
- The chances of congenital blood cancer
- Investigations of multiple myeloma
- Simple sign and symptoms of blood cancer
- Importance of Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP)
- Bone marrow transplantation to cure blood cancer
- Different diagnostics for blood cancer
- Vaccination available to prevent cancer
- Information on 5 year survival rate of blood cancer
Module 7: Vote of Thanks: Dr Shubhi from MLH delivered vote of thanks, thanking all the participating organizations, attendees, speakers and panelists.
We wish you a great learning experience!
This educational event is made possible by a charitable grant from Bristol Myers Squibb
Introduction to Hematological series- India Views (Dr Sachin Malhotra)
Introduction to Hematological series- Africa Views (Dr Benson Chuma)
Speaker 1: Clinical overview of hematological diseases: Dr Neema Bhat; Hematology, Hemato-oncology& BMT physician, Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore
Speaker 2: Clinical overview of blood cancers: Dr Aditya Murali, Senior Consultant, Medical and Hemato Oncology, Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore
Q& A
Vote of Thanks