Module 1 - Introduction (00:00:00 - 00:10:06)
Dr. Mayuri Keskar from the Medical Learning Hub (MLH) team introduced and welcomed all the panelists and participants. The poll was raised. The structure of the webinar and the general instructions were shared with the participants.
Dr. Ashok Rai and Dr. MK Bansal welcomed Dr. JA Jayal, panelists, and participants to the event on behalf of IMA UP and the State COVID Task Force. The Stage was then handed over to Dr. J A Jayalal, President IMA National by Dr. Ashok Rai.
Module 2: Inauguration by Dr. J A Jayal, President, IMA National (00:10:06 - 00:18:34)
Dr. J A Jaylal welcomed all the panel members and the participants. He thanks IMA UP for organizing this webinar on the burning issue. He gave his insights on the topic and the benefits of conducting such webinars. Dr. Jayal saluted all the frontline workers for their unconditional service to fight this pandemic and inaugurated the webinar.
Module 3: IMAFAQ on COVID VACCINES - Dr. Naveen Thacker, Executive Director, President-elect, International Pediatric Association. (00:18:34 - 00:51:05)
Dr. Ashok Rai introduced Dr. Naveen Thacker to take the session ahead with the topic FAQ on COVID Vaccines. Dr. Naveen Thacker started his session by giving his regards to Dr. J A Jayal and welcoming all the panelists and participants to the webinar.
The frequently asked questions on Vaccine Safety, who are at risk of developing thrombosis, were shared. Questions about vaccine efficacy, the variants of concern in India , how to complete the dose of COVID vaccine after getting infected and how to communicate with the people when doctors are asked these questions were covered in detail by the first speaker of the webinar, Dr. Naveen Thacker.
All the topics were covered in-depth and were very well explained.
Module 4: FAQ ON OXYGENATION AND VENTILATION - Dr. Tanmay Tiwari, Associate Professor, KGMU, Lucknow (00:51:05 - 01:30:25)
Dr. Ashok Rai thanked Dr. Naveen Thacker for his detailed session and invited Dr. Tanmay Tiwari to take over the stage and speak on the second topic of the day: FAQ ON OXYGENATION AND VENTILATION. Dr. Tanmay Tiwar began his session by welcoming all the panelists and participants to the webinar. Dr. Tiwari took his session ahead by addressing commonly asked questions which he handpicked. He also included the basic questions which are asked frequently. Various questions such as:
What is ventilation and Oxygenation?
How do we know the type of respiratory failure?
When should the oxygen therapy be started and what targets should be aimed?
What is the maximum concentration of oxygen delivered for different types of noninvasive oxygen delivery device types?
How to calculate the oxygen demand for a hospital?
How much oxygen does my device consume?
What is high pressure and what is a low-pressure oxygen source?
And more questions were addressed by Dr. Tiwari.
Dr. Tanmay Tiwari gave answers to all the frequently asked questions in a simple and detailed manner. In all, it was a very well explained session.
Module 5: Question and Answer (01:30:25 - 01:41:13)
Dr. Ashok Rai and Dr. Mayuri Keskar moderated the numerous questions that were asked by the participants throughout the session. All the questions were answered by the speakers. It was an extremely interactive session.
Module 6: Thank you note (01:41:13 - 01:47:34)
Dr. Rajeev Goel gave a vote of thanks to Dr. JA Jaylal - President IMA National, Dr. MK Bansal, Dr. Ashok Rai, Dr. Sharad Agarwal, speakers, participants, Mylan and MLH for a successful webinar.
Then, Dr. Mayuri Keskar from team MLH thanked everyone and Mylan on behalf of MLH. The post-poll was raised.
We thank Mylan Pharmaceuticals Private Limited, a Viatris Company making this event possible and we wish you all a great learning experience.
What was covered:
•Inauguration by: Dr. J A Jayalal, President, IMA National.
•Welcome Note Dr. MK Bansal, President, IMA UP.
•Introduction of panelist by Dr. Ashok Rai.
•Session 1: IMAFAQ on COVID VACCINES - Dr. Naveen Thacker, Executive Director, President-elect, International Pediatric Association.
•Session 2: FAQ ON OXYGENATION AND VENTILATION - Dr. Tanmay Tiwari, Associate Professor, KGMU, Lucknow
•Question and Answers: Panellists.
•Vote of Thanks by Dr Sharad Agrawal and Dr. Rajeev Goel, Secretary - IMA Uttar Pradesh.