We are excited to bring to you several interesting CME events delivered during March 21, and thank you making these events successful with your participation!
"Mental Health" As promised in the February newsletter, together with Heartfulness Institute MLH brought to you a series of online webinars aimed to reduce stress, and mental health problems in healthcare professionals. The first ongoing series on Stress Detox continues into April and and look forward to welcoming you to more events with Heartfulness.
With Ethicon, we brought to you several live online surgery training events and experience sharing webinars in Gynecology and Gastroenterology; Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC) conference covering the achievements and experiences of faculty and employees during pandemic was online simulcast from MLH to social platforms; IMA Rajasthan conducted its monthly CME on Probiotics. We encourage you view some of these highlights and also browse MLH for other interesting CMEs.
The Medical Learning Hub (MLH) is democratizing healthcare training by empowering practitioners to learn from the rich experience of specialists. .
March '21 Highlights
We wish you the very best of health in this changing season.
The Team at MLH